Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Car Accidents at Work?

damaged car on the side of the road

If driving is part of your job responsibilities or you often travel for work, it’s important to know your legal rights if you’re injured in a car accident. As with most workers’ compensation cases, there is no definitive answer to the question “Does workers’ comp cover car accidents?” Instead, each case must be examined and […]

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How to Avoid a Workplace Injury

One construction worker helping another with a workplace injury

In 2017 there were approximately 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported by private industry employers. A single workplace accident can have a large impact on a business – between the medical bills, lost productivity, workers’ compensation paperwork, and the low morale, the effects are felt throughout the entire office. To avoid these costs, […]

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The Truth About Independent Medical Exams

doctor pointing to a computer screen during an independent medical exam

In New York, injured workers seeking benefits must be evaluated and diagnosed by workers’ compensation doctors approved by the employer’s insurance company. In most cases you will be permitted to be treated by your own doctor. However, situations can occur when the insurance company requests an Independent Medical Examination, or IME. What is an Independent […]

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Repetitive Stress Injuries in the Workplace

repetitive stress injury at work case lawyer

Repetitive stress injuries (RSI), are temporary or permanent injuries to muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons caused by doing the same motion over and over again. The most well-known RSI is carpal tunnel syndrome, which can cause numbness, clumsiness, loss of motion, flexibility, and strength. Many other RSIs have similar side-effects and may require serious surgery […]

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