If you take into consideration that more than 60% of Social Security Disability claims get rejected the first time, it’s not a far stretch to consider getting help from the start.
And if you also consider the following, you’ll better see that knowing your options is the most proactive thing you can do now, instead of waiting until you need to make a claim:
Per the CDA (Council of Disability Awareness):
- The typical female, age 35, 125 pounds, non-smoker, who works mostly in an office, with at least some outdoor physical responsibilities, and who also leads a healthy lifestyle has the following risks: A 24% chance of becoming disabled for 3 months or longer in her working career. And, there’s a 38% chance that the disability will last 5 years or longer.
- The typical male, age 35, 170 pounds, non-smoker, works an office job, with some outdoor responsibilities, and who also leads a healthy lifestyle, has the following risks: A 21% chance of becoming disabled for 3 months or longer in his working career; and a 38% chance that the disability will last 5 years or longer.
- The average duration for either is about 82 months.
- Some estimates put 1 in 7 workers in the disabled for more than 5 years category.
It’s possible to file a claim on your own and represent yourself before the Social Security Administration. Know that you are required to file a large amount of paperwork and provide extensive documentation of your condition. And, if you do not fill out the application correctly or provide the necessary documents, you may not receive the disability benefits you deserve.
Since most claims do not contain enough documentation to win benefits. We can help you gather the right medical evidence to have your claim approved.
And, if your application for Social Security Disability Insurance has been denied , we can help. In fact, statistics show that Social Security Disability applicants who have an experienced Social Security lawyer have greater success in obtaining benefits.
Call us today at 518-449-2245 or send us an email and we will help get you set up with a free, confidential consultation.