Filing a Claim

It’s possible to file a claim on your own and represent yourself before the Social Security Administration. However, you are required to file a huge amount of paperwork and provide extensive documentation of your condition. If you do not fill out the application correctly or provide the necessary documents, you may not receive the disability benefits you deserve.

At Erwin, McCane & Daly, an Albany, New York, Social Security Disability claims law firm, we stand ready to help you at every stage of the process. Most claims do not contain enough documentation to win benefits. We can help you gather the right medical evidence to have your claim approved.

This is your safety net. Use it! Most people associate Social Security with retirement benefits, but Social Security also provides disability benefits to seriously sick or injured workers. SSD payments are not welfare. Every worker pays into SSD with every paycheck. You’ve paid for this insurance program; you have the right to receive benefits during unemployment when you need it and qualify for it.

It is important to ensure that your initial claim is accurate and thorough. You are able to appeal a denied claim, but the appeals process is so backlogged that it takes approximately a year to have your appeal hearing scheduled.

Our lawyers help you accurately describe your condition in a way that will comply with the listings that the Social Security Administration has set for qualified disabilities.

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It is important to ensure that your initial claim is accurate and thorough. You are able to appeal a denied claim, but the appeals process is so backlogged that it takes approximately a year to have your appeal hearing scheduled.

Our lawyers help you accurately describe your condition in a way that will comply with the listings that the Social Security Administration has set for qualified disabilities.