The workers’ compensation law provides a limited remedy for the damages that you have suffered. Compensation is limited to payment for lost wages and medical expenses.
Keep ReadingHow do I get reimbursed for mileage to and from the doctor’s office and for out-of-pocket medical expenses?
You should keep records of each time that you visit a doctor or other medical practitioner (no reimbursement is payable for trips to the Workers’ Compensation Board for hearings or to a pharmacy to pick up a prescription). You should periodically submit directly to the insurance company a list showing the date of the appointment, […]
Keep ReadingDo I have to attend an examination with a doctor arranged by the insurance company?
The insurance company has the right to have you examined periodically by a doctor of its choosing at a time and a place that is convenient to you. Independent Medical Exams (IME) are usually requested by the insurance company to try and limit the benefits you receive. If you fail to attend an insurance company […]
Keep ReadingCan I sue someone for my injuries sustained in an on-the-job accident?
The workers’ compensation law generally prevents you from filing a law suit against your employer or a fellow employee. You can, however, sue someone else if they were responsible for your injuries. Generally, if you sue someone else, your workers’ compensation insurance carrier will have a lien against any damages that you recover in the […]
Keep ReadingAre there any other benefits that I may be entitled to while I am receiving workers compensation benefits?
Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits. These benefits may be payable if your injury has made, or can be expected to make you totally disabled for at least one year. As a general rule, if you have been totally disabled as a result of your on the job injury for 6 months, you should consult with […]
Keep ReadingCan my lawyer ever ask me to pay him directly for anything in connection with my compensation case?
Your lawyer can never ask you to pay directly to him a fee for representing you in your workers’ compensation case. He can ask you to reimburse him for costs that he has incurred in representing you in your case. Such costs include obtaining medical records from treating doctors or copies of the transcripts of […]
Keep ReadingHow much can my attorney charge me and how does he get paid?
All attorneys fees must be approved by a Workers’ Compensation Law Judge. Although there are no rigid rules, fees fall within certain parameters. All fees are paid to an attorney out of money that would otherwise come to you. If there is a large amount of money payable to you at any one time, the […]
Keep ReadingCan I receive a settlement from the workers’ compensation insurance carrier for my injuries?
If your on the job accident results in a permanent injury, you may be entitled to a settlement. The amount of the settlement and the method of determining and approving the settlement depends on whether your injury is to a part of the body for which the law provides a schedule. If the injury is […]
Keep ReadingWhat can happen if I am found to have committed workers’ compensation fraud?
The Workers’ Compensation Judge can impose a limited period of suspension or permanently disqualify the claimant from obtaining lost wage benefits on the claim. Medical benefits will not be suspended. The claimant can be arrested and charged with criminal fraud. Fines, restitution and imprisonment can be ordered.
Keep ReadingWhat should I do to prevent a fraud charge?
Do not fill out questionnaires sent by the insurance company. The questionnaires can be (and often are) used as a basis of a fraud charge. There is no legal requirement that you fill out questionnaires received from the workers’ compensation insurance company. While receiving or requesting workers’ compensation benefits do not engage in any work […]
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