Can I sue someone for my injuries sustained in an on-the-job accident?

The workers’ compensation law generally prevents you from filing a law suit against your employer or a fellow employee. You can, however, sue someone else if they were responsible for your injuries. Generally, if you sue someone else, your workers’ compensation insurance carrier will have a lien against any damages that you recover in the […]

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How much can my attorney charge me and how does he get paid?

All attorneys fees must be approved by a Workers’ Compensation Law Judge. Although there are no rigid rules, fees fall within certain parameters. All fees are paid to an attorney out of money that would otherwise come to you. If there is a large amount of money payable to you at any one time, the […]

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What should I do to prevent a fraud charge?

Do not fill out questionnaires sent by the insurance company. The questionnaires can be (and often are) used as a basis of a fraud charge. There is no legal requirement that you fill out questionnaires received from the workers’ compensation insurance company. While receiving or requesting workers’ compensation benefits do not engage in any work […]

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